Save £££s on Main
Dealer Servicing
Did you know...?
In October
2003 E.U. Legislation
affecting the motor trade
came into force. Its full
title is 'Block Exemption
Regulations 1400/2002' in
short BER.
BER changes the way
cars are serviced and
repaired, it gives
motorists a lot more
freedom in their
choice of who should
look after their cars.
Before BER, it was
very difficult to have
cars, which were still
covered by their
warranty, serviced
anywhere other than
the franchised dealer.
Now motorists can use
any garage of their
choice to service
their car without
invalidating the
warranty, providing
certain conditions are
We as an independent
garage can carry out
normal maintenance and
repair services during
your vehicles warranty
period without
invalidating the Vehicle
Assembler's warranty
conditions, providing
The service is in
accordance with the
vehicles assembler's
service schedules and
is recorded as such.
That the parts used
are of 'appropriate
quality' and are
recorded as such.
Call us now on 01434
If you need
further information, or if
you have evidence of
Vehicle Assemblers or
their dealers infringing
these rules please visit